Sunday, February 12, 2017

Waging War With Planet Earth?

We pollute this planet as if we have another planet to flee to.  By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than there is fish.  Every second, 1.5 acres of rain forest are chopped down or destroyed. Is this not alarming to us? Does this not deserve immediate attention and an immediate solution? One would think that, as the “most intelligent” species on the planet, humans would take charge in the fight to save our planet Earth.  Then again, who is the reason our world is this bad?  Atomic bombs, drilling for oil, factories, fossil fuels; It’s enough to make a human feel hopeless.  United as a human race, we must take a stand before nothing left to live on.  Along with many people, I look upon NASA’s mission to sent people to Mars with great pride and excitement.  But then, I look at it from a logical perspective.  The mission is essential so that we can flee from our mistakes and have another home to turn to rubble.  What good is our brainpower and ability to defy evolution?  Humans have such plans for the future, yet we will likely never get a chance to see them.  By then, we will have destroyed ourselves .  It will forever be a mystery to me why we were put here to begin with. Our race has tremendous potential; I would never argue with that.  With the future comes endless possibilities. Sometimes I feel that it is a matter of - simply put - doing the right thing.

Image result for anti pollution

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

In The Rain

Sometimes you have to look back on life and reflect on how far you've come. In the midst of chaos, there is always a meadow. It's okay to retreat to that meadow every now and again, and see the blooming flowers and towering waterfalls flowing into the stream. When thunder booms, remember the rainbows. All of them. Remember every rainbow you've ever seen and believe in the rainbows that are yet to come.  Rather you choose to believe it or not, there is beauty in everything.  Without the dark we would never see the stars. And it is these moments, where nothing seems okay, that make our most joyous moments stand out just a bit more.